The enterprise was established in 1874 as limited partnership "Rhein & Co." - Steel Foundry, Zawodzie. It was founded by machine building company of the same name seated in Berlin. At the beginning, the company consisted of forging shop only, in which mine railway carriages, axis for mine railway carriages, as well as tools and machines for agriculture were produced.

In 1890 "Rhein & Co." merged with "Jakub" Steelworks. The new enterprise was called "FERRUM" and operated as public limited company. In 1900 "FERRUM" implemented less labour intensive production technology for pipes delivering water to turbines which was based on water gas welding. Pipes made according to the above-mentioned technology were characterised by higher strength and their manufacturing was less labour absorbing. Thus we became a well-known company executing orders for investors in many countries (e.g. we manufactured the first turbine pipeline in Peru in 1902).
After World War II FERRUM was nationalised and included in metallurgical department of national economy. At the turn of 60. and 70. FERRUM was under modernisation process in which line of longitudinally welded steel pipes was upgraded. We became specialists in manufacturing of welded pipes, pressure vessels and different types of welded structures.
In 90. the company was converted into single member State Treasury joint-stock company and a restructuring programme started. Its purpose was to upgrade the production technology , which so far had been neither energy-efficient, nor environmentally friendly.
Due to these changes we obtained Certificate of Integrated Quality and Environment Management System according to EN ISO 9001:2000 and EN ISO 14001:2004 and we are able to manufacture products which follow worldwide norms.
In 1996 The Polish Securities and Exchange Commission admitted “A” series shares to be publicly dealt with and it also permitted “B” series shares to be sold. The first share quotation took place in June 1997. In 2003 the stock exchange management board admitted shares of “C” series and in 2005 of “D” series to be dealt with. Our company is the only one representing steel industry in Poland to be quoted on Warsaw Stock Exchange. Since 2004 we have been producing profit.
In 2004 Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders decided to change the name of the company: Huta Ferrum S.A. was replaced by "FERRUM" S.A.