
In response to the expectations of customers and the market itself, we have set a fairly high bar for destructive and non-destructive tests carried out in our plant, focusing on quality and modernity. The last time at Ferrum is a period of many positive changes and investments aimed at broadly understood development, both in terms of production processes and research. Along with the purchase of a new line for the production of spiral-welded submerged arc pipes in the diameter range from 508 – 1829 mm and wall thickness from 5 – 26 mm Ferrum S.A. decided to expand and modernize its laboratory.

Obtaining accreditation issued by PCA in the scope of the PN – EN ISO / IEC 17025 standard has started a new stage, which resulted in the purchase of research machines and equipment, both in the scope of destructive and non-destructive tests. Currently Ferrum SA is one of the best and most modern equipped research laboratory in this parts of Europe. We mainly carry out tests for our own needs, but also accept orders from external entities such as certification bodies, universities, foundries or welding plants.


The presentation about the Laboratory is available here.

We conduct destructive testing:

  • tensile test with Rm up to 1200 kN
  • tensile testing with Re, Rm, A5, Z. up to 1200 kN
  • bending test on the weld joint, metal bending test,
  • impact test on KCV and KCU samples up to -50 stC,
  • VVERSA HV10 hardness testing,
  • attempt to break metals,
  • metallographic research,
  • impact test with falling DWTT weight,
  • spectral analysis of the chemical composition,

Which in combination with non-destructive testing such as:


They provide a comprehensive picture of the parameters of the tested materials.
Nowadays, when efficiency and quality are the key parameters of business success, the availability of your own laboratory is not only a guarantee of the parameters of the pipes sold, but also time – says Krzysztof Kasprzycki, President of the Board

Currently, 25 people work in the laboratory in the field of accreditation to perform ongoing tests resulting from production at Ferrum S. A. and external orders. It is a well-coordinated team of qualified and competent employees who constantly increase their skills, knowledge and qualifications – says quality control manager Dariusz Kostkiewicz
Pipe testing is an increasingly broad and very demanding field, especially in the field currently used for gas, heating, water transport and construction pipes. Having modern research devices with a digital record of tests allows for effective, legible and easy to confirm compliance of the highest requirements set by our clients.

The accreditation system guarantees that our tests meet the highest requirements.
Therefore, it facilitates our cooperation with all notified bodies such as UDT, DNV GL, TÜV Nord, TÜV SUD, TÜV Rheinland, Lloyd’s Register, Bureau Veritas, ZETOM, SGS and provides customers with the highest parameters of pipes manufactured by Ferrum SA.

We enable all interested parties to express their opinion on the services and cooperation with Laboratorium FERRUM S.A. Customer Satisfaction Survey available here



ul. Porcelanowa 11
40-246 Katowice, Poland

tel.: +48 32 730 47 99
fax: +48 32 730 46 77



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